… I have a blog on Substack. I write about my interests. Especially how I spend time enjoying life and sharing experiences.… I have a blog on Substack. I write about my interests. Especially how I spend time enjoying life and sharing experiences.
Sunset In Australia.
Yes the sun is setting. A kookaburra perched on the backyard fence. A nice evening in Australia. I saw the kookaburra sitting there. Also three magpies in the yard too.
Radio Station.
Yes my partner is a volunteer at our local community radio station. Here he is sitting in Studio 1 listening to other presenter’s programme. He has a show on Sunday. We have a lot of fun at the radio station.
Happy New Year. Yes it is the end nearly of 2024. I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Wishing you all a Happy New Year.
A Merry Christmas. Yes Christmas is almost here. Looking forward to spending Christmas with family.
Sitting here writing a post. It is very warm in the room even though I have the air con on. A picture of a brand new bus. My partner drives buses for a living. Last weekend he was working last weekend and got a new bus to drive.
Crochet. Yes I like to crochet while sitting watching television. It is one of my hobbies that I use for relaxation.I learnt how to crochet when I was about ten years old.
Sitting on the lounge chair watching television. With a teddy bear sitting next to me .
Hello. Yes sitting watching television and thinking about what I will do tomorrow. Cold abit but not too bad.
Nice morning. Fluffy clouds in the sky and the sun is out.Just watching the birds in the backyard. Yes we have a Masked Wing plover nesting in our yard. The man who mows our lawn mowed around the nest. The plover is sitting on four eggs. Interesting to see if they all hatch.
Hi everyone. Yes I am new to blogging. I hope to pick up some tips to help me with my writing.
Hello. Nicole here. First time blogger. Hope to pick up a few tips about blogging.